The importance of Psychomotricity in children education-scientific article.

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Through play a child involved in the game and feel the need to share with each other. Although the opponent posture is a partnership relationship. This interface exposes the potential of participants, affects emotions and tests the skills testing limits. Playing and playing the child will have the opportunity to develop skills essential to their future professional performance, such as attention, affection, the habit of staying focused and other perceptual psychomotor skills.

Playing the child becomes operative. (4) The strength is the ability to transpose certain resistance, using muscle contraction.

The strength is that you can perform actions such as jump and lift. Speed is the ability to perform high intensity actions in a short time, being characteristic of this ability discontinuous activities. (23) The cognitive domain is developed for the game, where the child comes into direct contact with reality, seeking answers to the various proposed predicaments. For Piaget (1992), the game goes beyond the cognitive context and requires that the child understands the concept of rule, acceptance of others and notions of loss/gain. These concepts will accompany the student from childhood to adulthood. (16) [1] Student of the course of physical education of College Patos de Minas (FPM) graduate in the year 2016.

Henri Wallon established development theory, where the understanding of various concepts directs the professor to the process of Constitution of the person, as the influence of the environment on the individual. By this theory, it is possible that the educator innovate your pedagogical practice, adding challenges to motor action and logic of the student. In Psychogenic theory of Wallon, the development process is the integration, two of its branches: integration body-middle and cognitive, emotional and motor integration. (19) the search will continue with a focus on cognitive, emotional and motor integration. The human being, in her early years, systematizes knowledge through the search for new experiences. Psychomotor education is a supportive instrument in this process, since it develops aspects motor, and affective psychosocial. Through the playful games the child discovers his own body. The preventive action of teachers is of paramount importance, making it possible to decrease the number of children with learning difficulties, which minimizes the negative effects that the psychomotor disorders have and promotes global development. (5) the research has as North the role that the playful can play in the learning process. Martinez, Peñalver and Sanchez (2003) state that the basis of the overall development of human being is the motor aspect, and through it you can verify if the other functions are being stimulated too.

The movement provides learning and allows live experiences, which have aims and objectives, improving the self-knowledge and the development of human skills. (28) In this sense, the teacher should have as a basis for its work, understanding that the child interferes with the environment through movement; Thus, it is important to know and understand the motor development and its stages, proposing so consistent and justified activities, creating resumes and designs for children to play, explore, create, feel and learn.

(8) Motor skills are components of physical performance, used to perform the most diverse everyday movements.   They are integrated in a total of five capabilities: resistance, strength, speed, flexibility and agility. (23) Go Tani (1988) exposes the changes during the development stages, sectional and way not occur throughout the body at once.   So, if the principle of continuity, in which the human being goes through several continuous changes throughout life. (25) It is essential to understand the movement of the child as language, allowing her to be free within the environment, allowing her the opportunity to transform, adapt, interact and create. (13) Le Boulch (1982, 1983a, 1983b), in her studies, seeks to differentiate the Psychomotor Education of physical education. The scholar is opposed vehemently the mechanistic exercise and, mainly, the precociousness of sports training. Le Boulch argues that accelerate the physical process causes imbalances in the formation of the personality.

The Psychomotricity, as understanding of the author was born of the failure of the traditional physical education meet the real needs of education. (29) Since the beginning of the psychomotor development begins the socialization process, once the balance of the person can only be thought of by/and in the relationship with others. It is in this relationship, and in communication with others that the man takes place. (17) The move action is essential for the biological and psychosocial development. Through the movement people interact with the environment, in which they are inserted, relating to other people, understand their limits and capabilities. The people who for several factors do not reach the mature pattern of fundamental skills are hindered further development level, i. e.

during adulthood. (6) In order to simplify the study of motor development, Anita Harrow elaborates a taxonomy, encompassing a string of development starting from the simplest actions to specialised movements (movements, basic skills and perceptual reflexes, physical, non-verbal communication and specific skills) (26)

The general objective of the study was to analyze the importance of psychomotor learning in early years. Specifically, the survey sought to investigate the origin and the main features of the psychomotor education; address the importance of psychomotricity in initial series as a tool for the reduction and prevention of educational difficulties presented by the students; Configure the motor and psychological development to which areas are related, their stages and the risk factors for child development; understanding the role of the educator and the school as education thrusters in the initial years. During its early years, the human being is organizing concepts and develops through the search for new experiences. Thus, the playful proposal, psychomotor education feature, visa the motor development, emotional and psychological through games and fun activities, where the child discovers the potential of your own body. The child who presents the psychomotor development delay, consequently will have trouble in reading/writing, distinction of letters, logical thought, among others. It is in early childhood education that the child experiences new sensations, organizes its concepts and search for new experiences. (2) Psychomotor education is the beginning of the process of early childhood education. The learning disabilities detected in a child may cause psychomotor development delay. The general objective of the study was to analyze the importance of psychomotor learning in early years. The methodology used was the review of the literature. The survey was conducted in online bases and repositories of Brazilian universities. The playful games should be understood as practices that promote learning and develop various aspects of the human being, as the engine, the psychological, social and affective. The playfulness should be promoted through the psychomotor activities, in a pleasant and motivating.

Especially during the physical education lessons, the teacher must if unlink of repetition of movements and mechanistic prioritize activities that develop body and mind, i. e. the overall body. The game is a direct channel to the child uses to express their desires and emotions, being very valuable tool during the initial series, a period in which the child links to society. Tenha acesso ao Curso até o dia da prova, mesmo em cursos Pré-Editais.  Acreditamos que o estudo para concursos iniciado com antecedência atinge impressionantes níveis de excelência, por isso incentivamos você a ter acesso sempre que precisar, sem limites de visualização! The physical aspect covers motor and sensory skills that the child needs to develop to survive and adapt.

One of the characteristics of the child in the early years of primary education is the need of test your skills, especially. They become stronger, agile and have a greater control over their bodies. The children are happy to test their bodies and learn new skills. (10) In practice, there is that if you look at the fact that children learn more satisfactory and effective through fun and games. The playful context is essential to socialization of the human being. For the game, for the construction of different points of view, elaboration of hypotheses and context of space and time.

The Act of play cannot be viewed as an act of entertainment, but rather understood as an activity that enables diverse learning abilities, inserted in a motivating environment, pleasant and planned for early childhood education. (1)

So that the child can reach certain levels of patterns of movement, it must be stimulated through information and experience experienced in motor field. That way, you can organize your knowledge, being stimulated effectively. The motor domain is also understood as psychomotor, because through this range of activities carried out by the child develops not only the motor aspect, but also the cognitive aspects. (6) According to Piaget, "the child of two years and four years does not form concepts, but preconceptions. She produces information about the world, but as yet unable to discriminate the properties of objects. "(13) Fundamental motor skills start from two years at this age children already have complete power of rudimentary movements that are the basis for the refinement of the fundamental engines patterns. One of the stages of child development, fundamental motor skills are considered the largest and most important of them.

This phase is considered to be a critical and sensitive stage, as this may result in changes that will determine the future engine of the individual. (21) As a science that studies the movement, the psychomotricity is a means that helps a better global development, for Wallon (2005) directly related to affection and emotion. The author even argues that the evolution of the child are a number of factors, including metabolic, morphological factors, psychosocial, psychomotor and psicoemocionais. The lack of development of one of them carries on learning disability. (9)

Flexibility is also known as ability to range of motion, where a combination or all of them. Through the development of flexibility there is improvement in the technical implementation, which consequently prevents injuries. (24) Le Bouch (1988) classifies the psychomotor development in three stages: body, body and body represented. The first stage covers the early years of life, of the 3 year 0, where the child has no self-awareness interconnected environment. Through his maturity and his experience, the child differs from their midst, whether discovering.

The second step consists of three to seven years, being characterized by greater coordination of the child, where is aware of your body, being noticeable absorption of concepts such as time/space, top/bottom, among others. In the third step, from seven to twelve years, child development is no longer centered in your own body, thus perfecting their movements and their coordination. (9) For selection of the sources were considered as criteria articles and studies that discuss the psychomotor education as the basis for the learning of the child. Psychomotor development is done through the evolution of the child, in its exchange with the environment, a conquest that will gradually expanding its ability to adapt to common needs, making it necessary for that, the physical space, the diversity of material, playful games, an airy and pleasant environment. (5) The learning process is a complex system, which involves a variety of skills. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that the child acquires prior to the literacy process, concepts that facilitate the learning of reading and writing.

The current educational model must enter the psychomotricity in Physical education activities, to provide the learning environment a curriculum that is attentive to the motor, cognitive and emotional development of children, forming basic structures for educational tasks and for the future life of the minor. (27) In an earlier time, the psychomotricity integrated into school physical education was assimilated only as an instrument of motor development. At the same time, the school physical education recognizes the human person as subject, with complex emotions and own shares. The relationship between Physical education and psychomotricity originates through the yearnings of the human being in relate and integrate the environment in which it is inserted, making it through actions and conscious movements, experiencing experiences at every stage of life. (27) Gallahue and Ozmunn (2003) expose the fundamental movements are of fundamental importance and must be oriented towards skills acquisition, in a long process. The fundamental movements are divided by the authors in three stages. (6) The child discovers the world through her body, exploring the most diverse situations and through them trying situations, realizing the environment. As the child develops, the more she comes in contact situations, the better control of your body, amplifying their perception. "Since the first day of life, the child develops continuously, and is by the movement that the child establishes the first forms of language. ” (8) The child who presents the psychomotor development barely constituted may present problems in writing, reading, towards graphics, in distinction of letters, on ordering of syllables, in abstract thinking and logical, grammatical analysis, among others. (2) Within the educational system, the game is a good learning tool, adding exponentially to the learning process, in addition to influencing social relations. Piaget (1977) argues that the interaction of child motor skills, through touch, sight and hearing is essential for their integral development. The author argues that there is a pattern of actions and should be allowed students the diversity and complexity of various games, worked seamlessly with other areas of development. Psychomotor education seeks to prevent learning deficits. (15) To observe the child in your games, you can see if there are any psychomotor deviation. Therefore, the fun and games should not be understood only as entertainment practices, but rather a way to promote the learning of various aspects, especially if performed in a motivating and enjoyable environment. CAMARGOS, Ellen Kassia de; MACIEL, Rosana Mendes. The importance of psychomotricity in children education. Multidisciplinary Core scientific journal of knowledge. Year 1. Vol. 9. pp. 254-275, October/November 2016. ISSN. 2448-0959 Motor behavior is designed as the displacement of the body in time and space, based on the body balance. By Motricity, the feelings and emotions are expressed. (19) Initial stage: represents the first goal child oriented in an attempt to execute a fundamental movement pattern. The integration of spatial and temporal movements are poor. Typically the locomotores movements, manipulative and stabilizers of children two years of age are at the entry level. Elementary stage: involves greater control and better rhythmic coordination of fundamental movements. Mature stage: is characterized as mechanically efficient, coordinated and controlled execution. Typically, children have development potential to be mature stage close to the 5 or 6 years, most fundamental skills. (6) Human development is a process of evolution and change, whether in physical or psychological aspect. At each stage of life, there are specific features, and may occur the acceleration or delay of these processes, depending on examining each case individually. The child naturally feel the need to explore their environment, acquiring motor skills, mental and social.

(7) Sensory motor or practical (0 to 2 years): the child know the world through the actions that she carries on certain objects and observes the reaction of these. The actions are reflexes and manipulations. Preoperative or intuitive (2 to 6 years): emergence of language that represents pictures and objects. The thought is intuitive and egocentric. Operative-concrete (7 to 11 years): still need concrete to make the abstraction of his thought. Formal operational or abstract (11 years): the operation takes place through language. The reasoning does the survey of hypotheses and possible solutions.




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